today we finished up a lab we started 5days ago. We have to recreate numerous position and velocity graphs using our bodies, a motion detector, and Dora the Explorer. Once we actually started using our equipment right, we saw that if the slope of the line was positive (moving away from the reference point (reference point was the motion detector)), it was above x axis line. If it was a negative slope, then it was below the x axis line and moving towards the reference point.
Last class I was wondering what it would look like if someone did a cartwheel. Mr. B let us test it out since we finished the lab early. He asked us to predict what it would look like on the graph. I said that it would probably look like if someone was walking except a little more wavering (of the line) because I was the one doing the cartwheel and I can barely walk in a straight line let alone do a motion where I put my hands on the SLIPPERY floor and flip my legs over. My prediction was right (YAY), and me and another girl at my table each did 2 cartwheels, one going towards the motion detector and one moving away from it. The lines on the graph were really...wobbly I guess. I don't have a smart phone (yet, I'm getting one soon!!!!) and wouldn't be able to take a picture to put on here, but I totally would if I could. The lines all looked the same except the lines we spaced out...a lot. It most likely has to do with I'm like...7inch taller and she was wearing jeans. Anyway, we had to make motion graphs for the lab. I didn't get it at first but after doing a few of them, I totally understood it. I'm like the motion graph MASTER now! Until next time,...wait I almost forgot the joke...that would have disappointed you, wouldn't it have?

Hey! I really like your blogs! I think it's cool that you did cartwheels in front of the motion detector. If we continue the discussion next class you should bring that up! That's great that you understand motion maps better now! I was the same way, I was so confused at first but now I completely understand them. Also, I really like how you add a science joke!:)